Active Peacemaker Training

Active Peacemaker Training


Active Peacemaker Training is for those passionate about unfolding their love and wisdom and becoming a true force for transformation. It is holistic and includes the “inner” work of self acceptance and re-connecting with the body, developing a more intimate relationship with the earth, interpersonal skills, and the restorative justice-inspired Active Peace Circle Process.

Three levels of Active Peacemaker Training are available for a deep dive into the holistic package of Active Peace:

Active Peace Book Group


This 12 week training moves chapter by chapter through ACTIVE PEACE: A Mindful Path to a Nonviolent World. The journey takes you from the psychological roots of separation and fear, to deeper self-awareness and acceptance, to the lived experience of interbeing with nature and all that is. From this foundation you’ll learn and integrate bedrock skills for transforming conflicts into more authentic relationships and stronger groups, and end up embracing the world and our shared predicament with a fresh, regenerative approach to activism and social change.

You will:

  • Root yourself in a paradigm-shifting worldview that helps you hold the big picture and stay grounded–no matter what;
  • Deepen your felt sense of connection to the earth,
  • Learn the basics of a transformational approach to restorative justice, including the 5 foundations of restorative justice, the four capacities for Active Peacemaking, and the two core values of nonviolence;
  • Practice a full range of new skills and capacities that support personal, interpersonal, and collective healing and resilience; and
  • Become part of a growing network of active peacemakers supporting each other in a variety of ways.

Foundations of Restorative Process

This is a 5 week training that will give you the core principles and practices of active peacemaking and personal resilience. It is offered to specific groups and organizations that want to establish more safety and trust, deepen connections, repair specific harm and strengthen ongoing conflict transformation capacities.

In this training you will:

  • Explore the deep context of personal, interpersonal and collective healing;
  • Strengthen your restorative mindset through the five foundations of restorative justice, the four capacities of the peacemaker and the two core values of nonviolence;
  • Expand relational awareness and abilities through a focus on universal human needs;
  • Taste the health and wholeness that ecopsychology and nature-based practices bring;
  • Develop capacities that you can apply to all your relationships and groups;
  • Begin to learn the basics of the Active Peace Circle Process.

Active Peace Circle Training

*Note: With some exceptions, the Book Group or the Foundations of Restorative Process training are prerequisites for Active Peace Circle Training.

Active Peace Circle Training is open to anyone with a desire to learn a comprehensive grassroots approach to restorative justice. This is an approach to restorative justice that is community initiated and independent of the justice system.

The process has evolved over the years to include a framing of harm as unmet human needs and other aspects of Nonviolent Communication. It facilitates respectful, courageous conversations about the full extent of the harm (framing harm in terms of unmet universal human needs), shared understanding, accountability and personal, interpersonal and community-level repair and healing. 

We offer two levels of APC training via Zoom:

Level 1: Embodying the Principles (Six Sessions)

Integrate the principles and practices of Active Peace in this highly experiential training where you will:

  • Practice the steps of the Active Peace Circle process;
  • Watch demonstrations and learn by doing using role plays and realistic circle scenarios;
  • Strengthen your foundation for personal well-being and resilience;
  • Deepen your ability to transform conflict into deeper, more authentic relationships.

Level 2: Facilitator Training (Six Sessions)

Building on all that’s come before, this offering is for those who want to take the next step and become Active Peace Circle facilitators. This integrative training offers fresh challenges and time for deep personal reflection. We tap the collective wisdom as we create a community of learning and support.

A Practical and Visionary Way to Heal Ourselves

Scott brings his experience in restorative justice and activism together to offer a practical and visionary way to heal ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. His authentic and open-hearted way of presenting is inspiring, interactive, and soul-satisfying. ~ Deborah Fink, Boulder

Cultivates and Brings Forward the Deepest Truths and Capacities

Scott’s work cultivates and brings forward the deepest truths and capacities of human beings and human nature. Essentially people are good, kind and loving, yearning to connect with one another in environments where it is safe to reveal the most genuine parts of ourselves. This is good work with a very experienced facilitator who is unflinchingly dedicated to unconditional respect and the building of the beloved community. — Jessie Friedman, Boulder

A More Humane Way of Healing

For many years I’ve been discouraged with our criminal justice system with its emphasis on punishment. The Active Peace Circle trainings have shown me a more humane way of healing everyone involved, including the community as a whole. Scott’s leadership is courageous, clear and competent. Highly recommended. — Bill Lyford, Boulder

Transform Conflict into Deeper Relationship

The practical rewards of these trainings have been enormous. Scott has helped me to withhold judgment, listen more deeply and transform conflict into deeper relationships. He is an excellent trainer and lives what he teaches. — Ann O’Brien, Boulder

Brings All Sides Together

At a time when we seem to be surrounded by conflict, this training offers a concrete process that brings all sides together in a transformational way. Scott’s leveraging of the community voice is a true game-changer in disrupting cycles of disrespect and violence. — Lori Kearney, Aptos, CA

Embrace Conflict as an Opportunity

Active Peace Circles are a huge part of what we need now to face and transform our interpersonal and intercultural challenges. My participation in this training with Scott has had a profound influence on my ability to connect more deeply with people and embrace conflict as an opportunity. — Galen Meyers, Gainesville, FL